Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King and my God. Psalm 84:3

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

Luckily, Santa did not get a flat on his search for Nicci's Nest.....

The kids had to leave Santa a note telling him we would not be home this Christmas Day due to some family drama (see 'New Family Traditions') and to please leave their gifts at Nana and Pop-Pop's. The kids were very happy to see Santa found the right tree to leave their stash of goodies..... But each child had a favorite stand-out gift from Santa this year.

For Kelli and Sal it was the arrival of their DS! Powder Blue for Kelli and Cobalt Blue for Sal. I don't think we saw them the rest of Christmas Day! Vinny was all about his CSI kit, we were all fingerprinted and had to give hair samples (ouch!). As for Nicholas.....

He cornered Ty to help him build with his Elmo Lego's!
We stayed in our PJ's all morning having bacon and eggs and taking turns checking out each others gifts. Finally we dressed in our Christmas flair and welcomed the grandparents for lunch. After lunch the gals battled the guys at Pop 5 Cranium and as predicted we beat them! We had another great day!

1 notes:

Stephanie said...

I know it's kinda of late but Merry Christmas. Your family is getting big. Have a safe and wonderful New Year.